A boy who was falsely accused and hurt by the people he cares about, even if they apologize after finding out he’s innocent, he’ll never forgive them.

Giới thiệu truyện

Truyện Tiểu Thuyết A boy who was falsely accused and hurt by the people he cares about, even if they apologize after finding out he’s innocent, he’ll never forgive them. hiện đã được tác giả リョウタ sáng tác 35 chương, luôn được TruyenTieuThuyet cập nhật nhanh và đầy đủ nhất. Bạn đọc đừng quên để lại bình luận và chia sẻ, ủng hộ TruyenTieuThuyet ra các chương mới nhất của truyện A boy who was falsely accused and hurt by the people he cares about, even if they apologize after finding out he’s innocent, he’ll never forgive them..

Danh sách chương truyện

Bình luận truyện A boy who was falsely accused and hurt by the people he cares about, even if they apologize after finding out he’s innocent, he’ll never forgive them.